Embedding Formative Assessment programme (Education Endowment Fund)
During April 2015 to July 2018, 140 schools took part of the Embedding Formative Assessment professional development programme.
Key findings included:
Embedding Formative Assessment schools made the equivalent of two additional months’ progress.
The additional progress made by children in the lowest third for prior attainment was greater than that made by children in the highest third.
Teachers were positive about the Teacher Learning Communities. They felt that these improved their practice by allowing valuable dialogue between teachers, and encouraged experimentation with formative assessment strategies.
The process evaluation indicated it may take more time for improvements in teaching practices and pupil learning strategies to feed fully into pupil attainment. Many teachers thought that younger students were more receptive to the intervention than their older and more exam-minded peers.
More information about this case-study can be retrieved from:
https://educationendowmentfoundation.org.uk/projects-and-evaluation/projects/embedding-formative-assessment/ [last accessed 28 July 2020].