Deaf Education in the Global South

Teresa Quail, Joy Rosenberg, Fred Marinus, Chris Kubwimana


  • Bailey M & Owen A (2004) Deaf Education Abroad. Talk With Sign Books Ltd.
  • Datuin G, Garcia W (1976) People of the Silent World.  Philippine Association of the Deaf. 
  • De Meulder M, Murray J, McKee R (2019)  The Legal Recognition of Sign Languages, Advocacy and Outcomes Around the World,   MultiLingual Matters.
  • Knoors H, Brons M, Marschark M (2019) Deaf Education Beyond the Western World. Oxford Press University.
  • McCracken W, Miles S (2008) Educational Audiology in Developing Countries, in McPherson B, Brouillette R; Eds., Audiology in Developing Countries. Nova Science Publishers.
  • Naicker S (2018) Inclusive Education in South Africa and the Developing World The Search for an Inclusive Pedagogy. Emerald Publishing. 
  • Niemen S, Greenstein D, David D (2004) Helping Children Who Are Deaf - Family and community support for children who do not hear well.  Hesparian Foundation.
  • Tusalem J, Tsab T (1985) Phau Ntawv Kawm Piavtes.  (Sign Language Book) Ban Vinai Rehab Center, Refugee Camp, Pakchom, Loei, Thailand. 
  • Vodounou, V. (2008). The Incredible Journey of Victor Vodounou. El Cajon, CA: CSN Books.


Books by Harlan Lane, an advocate for Deaf culture and recipient of the World Federation of the Deaf International Social Merit Award wrote a series of books. The following have been recommended by a Deaf professional who was born in East Africa:

  • The Mask Of Benevolence: Disabling the Deaf Community
  • The Deaf Experience: Classics in Language and Education
  • A Journey into the Deaf World