Curriculum Access
Global Equity-and-Inclusion Case Study (2019) UK Forum for International Education conference presentation. Article on the impact of two DeafChildWorldwide projects in Bangladesh and Kenya. Open access article which presents contrasting educational experiences of two deaf adults, and then considers the experiences of four deaf children in Malaysian government-funded primary schools The Laurent Clerc National Deaf Education Centre’s “Sharing Ideas” series (Punjab and India). UCLAN (University of Central Lancashire) Blog on the ‘study investigating deaf learners’ use of ‘multiliteracies’, including reading, writing, sign language, technology and multimodal communication, to improve the education of deaf people in developing countries. Policy report on “Peer to Peer Deaf Literacy” (P2PDL) (India). Supporting literacy, numeracy and well-being for deaf children in low-resource environments is explored by poster authors at a British Association of Teachers of the Deaf conference in 2017. Rochester Institute of Technology Deaf Education Worldwide