In order to understand how we decode the visual data to interpret meaning we can deconstruct visual literacy into the categories below. Nearly all visual resources will fall into one or more of these. Being familiar with these will offer teachers a solid foundation with which to design learning opportunities.
All above the elements exist in digital formats, and within some of the categories they are more frequently accessed/used than their analogue versions. Even if created in an analogue format their dissemination is most likely to be digital.
The following references are part of the evidence base for this resource.
Sinatra, R. (1986). Visual literacy connections to thinking, reading, and writing. Springfield, IL: Charles Thomas Press.
Baker, F, W,. Media Literacy in the K–2 Classroom, ISTE http://www.visual-literacy.org/periodic_table/periodic_table.html#
Beaton, B,. The key to media's hidden codes http://youtu.be/oZXqORn0z4E accessed 3/11/2014 (Video)
The Word as Image (video) http://vimeo.com/30168074
Applying Communication Theory and Imagery to Enhance Persuasive Presentations http://isaacsonseries.com/applying-communication-theory-and-imagery-to-enhance-persuasive-presentations/
20 Gifs That Teach You Science Concepts Better Than Your Teacher Probably Can (online)