Video-supported education alliance (ViSuAL)
The Video-Supported Education Alliance (ViSuAL) was a consortium of six higher education institutions’ teacher education (HEIs-TE) organisations and six education technology (EdTech) companies that co-created an evidence-based pedagogical model for Video-Supported Collaborative Learning. The ViSuAL project started in January 2018 and ended December 2020. Its solution developed students’ critical thinking and problem-solving skills that are important for navigating the increasingly turbulent, knowledge-intensive and entrepreneurial work-life, and society. The model bridges school and practice, which is important for vocational education and training (VET) and teacher-educators (TE). Furthermore, it encourages video content creation and sharing as a rising work-life competence. It is designed to be used and taught in teacher education so that student-teachers become familiar with Video-Supported Collaborative Learning as an educational tool. Our solution combines evidence-based pedagogical use of video and computer supported collaborative learning (CSCL) into Video-Supported Collaborative Learning. We argue that video can be an excellent tool when combined with collaborative learning.
Working collaboratively, the information exchange and use of each other’s knowledge and expertise in this co-creating alliance modernizes teaching and learning of HEI and VET teacher education and thereafter HEI and VET education.
The ViSuAL project produced the following main outputs:
1. Evidence-based, practical, pedagogical model for utilising video-supported collaborative learning.
2. Practical principles for a sustainable HEI-TE and EdTech co-creation partnership.
3. Pedagogical design principles and workable pedagogy practices for EdTech companies to enhance use of their products in education.
Therefore, this MESHGuide is just one product in a larger range of products and services provided by the ViSuAL project. As such, it works best in conjunction with other free to use resources available at your discretion. For academia, some of these products and services include scientific publications. For educational purposes, products and services include this MESHGuide, Teacher’s manual, a MOOC, the pedagogical model, the HEI/EdTech collaboration model and the design principles. We encourage policy makers and executives to use these materials for continuous professional development amongst other goals. For EdTech companies, we encourage the use of all these resources and specifically the HEI/EdTech collaboration model.
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