Visually literate teachers and learners understand that:
images are made with a specific purpose
images can convey meaning and information more concisely and powerfully than text
there are instances when text may be a more appropriate medium to convey information
that images have a cultural and collective meaning
images can be misinterpreted
images can be manipulated
images can be designed to make you respond in a given way
there is a distinction between image and reality
are a fundamental part of our world today
visual literacy is related to the other literacies
be confident to evaluate the visual work of learners or peers learners or peers.
It is not a case of being visually literate or not, there are degrees of visual literacy, it is a progression of phases.The concept map of phases of development in Figure 3 is a synthesis of the two models, and includes the effect size estimates from research syntheses (Nesbit and Adesope, 2006; Hattie, 2009; Adesope and Nesbit, 2009). In this new model the phases are
The following references are part of the evidence base for this resource.
Visual Literacy, 10 interpretations from Professors at the University of Utrecht (video) http://youtu.be/CtzI594iJBs
Image Culture, Rosen; New Atlantis, 2006, http://www.thenewatlantis.com/publications/the-image-culture
Four & Six, Photo Tampering in History http://www.fourandsix.com/photo-tampering-history/category/1950-1999
Metros, Susan E. "The educator's role in preparing visually literate learners." Theory into Practice 47.2 (2008): 102-10 (pdf download) https://commons.ct.edu/sites/default/files/336/files/visual_literacy.pdf