Manipulatives can be any or all the practical apparatus that we use in classrooms such as Multilink Cubes, Cuisenaire Rods, Faction tiles, Area tiles. This list is not exhaustive, and I am sure you can add your own particular favourites. They are all practical bits of equipment that learners can pick up and manipulate and the concrete connection to the abstract concept (fractions) helps bridge the gap in conceptual understanding. There is a huge quantity of academic research-based learning theory work on how practical equipment supports
conceptual understanding, an excellent review is provided by Moyer (2001). “Manipulative materials are objects designed to represent explicitly and concretely mathematical ideas that are abstract. They have both visual and tactile appeal and can be manipulated by learners through hands-on experiences.” (Moyer, 2001, 176).
Commercially available or free to download from (https://toytheater.com/fraction-strips/) fraction strips such as aid pupils in their understanding of the abstract concept of fractions and are to be highly recommended and should be explored by teachers of mathematics.
A useful interactive website for fraction tiles and their equivalents (and other resources) https://oryxlearning.com/manipulatives/fraction-tiles is well worth exploring as well as https://www.mashupmath.com/fraction-strips-printable-and-virtual for printable resources.