What are digital books?
There is no agreed definition and terminology for children's digital books. Digital books for children aged 2-8 years -- available on tablets and smartphones -- are often called story apps (or book apps). Those which are downloadable for eReaders (e.g., Kindle, Kobo), or for computers or laptops, and are typically used with older children, are often called e-books. This is not the norm, however, and publishers and digital producers often use the terms interchangeably.
This guide encompasses all digital books currently available, including Apps for mobile and tablet devices (IOS and/or Android), online or web-based experiences, CD-Roms, digital products that can be viewed on a PC/Mac or connected to an interactive whiteboard, Advanced eBooks or Transmedia (activity across multiple platforms). These digital books may appear on any digital platform, including PCs, laptops, tablets, smartphones, Wiis, LeapReaders, Kindle and similar reading devices.
Given that digital books require a digital platform (an iPad, interactive whiteboard or PC), teachers need to consider the ways in which they implement digital technologies in the classroom overall. Please view the MESHGuide “Using Tablets effectively to enhance learning in schools” for guidance on using tablets in the classroom.