Lip-Reading Skills
The role of lip-reading and Cued Speech in the processing of phonological information in French-educated deaf children. - Alegria, J., Charlier, B., Mattys, S., (1999) abstract
Use of Internal Speech in Reading by Hearing and Hearing-Impaired Students in Oral, Total Communication, and CS Programs - Wandel, J. E., (1990) full text
An investigation of speechreading with and without Cued Speech - Gregory, J. (1987). abstract
CS improves the speechreading capabilities of profoundly deaf students.
- Clarke, B. & Ling, D. (1976) "The Effects of Using Cued Speech: A Follow-up Study" The Volta Review, 78, 23-24.
CS instruction improved the speechreading ability of hearing subjects.
- Chilson, R. F. (1979) "Effects of Cued Speech on Lipreading Ability." Master's thesis, University of Rhode Island.
- Neef, N. & Iwata, B. (1985) "The Development of Generative Lipreading Skills in Deaf Persons Using Cued Speech."
In Analysis and Intervention in Developmental Disabilities, Vol. 5, pp. 289-305.
CS significantly improved speechreading abilities of prelingually deaf persons. This study analysed the process.
- Kaplan, H. (1974) "The effects of Cued Speech on the speechreadingability of the deaf."
- Effects of English Cued Speech on Speech Perception, Phonological Awareness and Literacy. Rees R and Bladel J. Journal of Deafness and Education International, vol 14, no 4 2013. 182-200