Research Context: A selection of key studies on the theme of technology facilitated social learning

Column 3 consists of summaries of a number of key studies in the social learning field.

For example, Luckin highlights the potential for technology supported learning to lead to more ‘open, creative and participatory learning experiences’. McKnight notes that technology alone is not enough: teaching strategies need to change alongside its introduction. Garner and Rouse recognise the importance of a ‘human’ interface and Zhang uses the phrase ‘beneficial interaction’ to describe the active interaction and reflection that characterises the process of knowledge creation in a community. Trust recognises the complex ‘bottom-up’, cyclical nature of learning that takes place in teacher communities that are situated in teachers’ authentic working contexts.

Garner, R. and Rouse, E., 2016. Social presence–connecting pre-service teachers as learners using a blended learning model. Student Success, 7(1), pp.25-36.

Koohang, A, Paliszkiewicz, J, Goluchowski, J, & Horn Nord, J.  (2016) Active Learning for Knowledge Construction in E-learning: a replication study.  Journal of Computer

Information Systems, Vol 56, Issue 3 pp 238-243.

Luckin, R., Clark, W., Garnett, F., Whitworth, A., Akass, J., Cook, J., Day, P., Ecclesfield, N., Hamilton, T. and Robertson, J., 2010. Learner-generated contexts: A framework to support the effective. Web 2.0-Based E-Learning: Applying Social Informatics for Tertiary Teaching: Applying Social Informatics for Tertiary Teaching, p.70.

McKnight, K., O'Malley, K., Ruzic, R., Horsley, M.K., Franey, J.J. and Bassett, K., 2016. Teaching in a digital age: How educators use technology to improve student learning. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 48(3), pp.194-211.

Trust, T., 2016. New Model of Teacher Learning in an Online Network. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 48(4), pp.290-305.

Zhang, S, Liu, Q, Chen, W, Wang, Q and Huang, Z.  (2017) Interactive networks and social knowledge construction behavioral patterns in primary school teachers' online collaborative learning activities, Computers and Education, Vol 104, pp 1-17.