Entrepreneurship Education

System Wide (EE Summary Implications)

Framework for policy development

This includes political backing through inclusion of EE by establishing a common EU framework integrated into existing EU monitoring, the launch of national and regional strategies, ensuring coherent funding and recognising career structures. 

Source: The Oslo Agenda


…is proposed as a term to emphasise skills developed through entrepreneurial activity that may be usefully employed within an existing business or organisation.

Source: Entrepreneurship Education:  A Guide for Educators

The Entrepreneurial Mind-Set

The research carried out in Swedish schools (Berglund & Holmgren, 2007) suggested that entrepreneurship education was translated by teachers and school administrators from a "narrow" understanding of business creation into a broader concept best described as an attitude, or a way of relating to the world. More specifically, teachers said that in delivering entrepreneurship education they were encouraging a way of relating to the world which is characterized by "creativity, reflexivity and power of initiative”.

Changing Perspectives on Entrepreneurial Education

Changing perspectives on the function of Entrepreneurial Education and the consequent role of the teacher

Some sources identity a need for a conceptual shift from entrepreneurship education as 'how to run a business' to how to develop a general set of competencies applicable in all walks of life, and experience their application at school; and from being a curriculum 'add on' mainly available at upper secondary level to being an integral part of the curriculum at all stages;

Enterprise Education

“Economics, business and enterprise education is about equipping children and young people with the knowledge, skills and understanding to help them make sense of the complex and dynamic economic, business and financial environment in which they live. It should help them leave school well-informed and well-prepared to function as consumers, employees and potential employers”. 
Source: Economics, Business and Enterprise Education June 2011, No 100086

Financial Education

What is meant by 'Financial Education'?

“Financial education is a programme of study that aims to equip young people with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to manage their money well.  High quality teaching ensures that learners  grow to understand their attitude to risk, and become aware of their own behaviour and emotions when making financial decisions. It is also achieved through applied learning, for example as a context for teaching mathematics, where students grasp mathematical concepts through real-life scenario”

Financial Capability

 …is concerned with the personal management of money. Developing an understanding of earning, spending and saving in order to distinguish and prioritise between needs and wants thus making informed decisions as a consumer.
Source: http://www.pfeg.org/planning-teaching/introduction-what-financial-education

Entrepreneurship Education

.. is thus about life-wide as well as lifelong competence development.
Source: Enabling Teachers as a Critical Success Factor 1.1

..It should develop both general competences, e.g. self-confidence, adaptability, risk-assessment, creativity, and specific business skills and knowledge, It should no longer be just an extra-curricular activity, but instead be embedded in the curriculum across all educational levels/types.

To move entrepreneurship education from being an extra-curricular 'add-on' to an integral part of the curriculum involves:


…refers to an individual's ability to turn ideas into action. It includes creativity, sense of initiative, innovation and risk-taking, as well as the ability to plan and manage projects in order to achieve objectives. The entrepreneurship competence includes therefore transversal skills and attitudes as well as more specialised knowledge and business skills. In a broad sense, entrepreneurship should be considered as a Mind-set that supports everyone in day-to-day life at home and in society, and provides a foundation for entrepreneurs establishing a social or commercial activity.

8) Mini-Companies in Secondary Education: Final Report of the Expert Group: A Best Procedure Project:

Front Cover

Authors: Enterprise and industry Directorate-General

DateSeptember 2005


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