Educational Audiology

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Bibliography  (Also see Dissertations by Educational Audiologists).

American Academy of Audiology [accessed Oct 2020]

American Speech Language Hearing Association [accessed Oct 2020]

Audiology Australia [accessed Oct 2020]

Audiology India [accessed Oct 2020]

Allen S,  Mulla I, Ng Z, et al (2017). Using radio aids with pre-school deaf children.  

Archbold S,  Ng Z, Harrigan S,  Gregory S, Wakefield T, Holland L, & Mulla I (2015). Experiences of young people with mild to moderate hearing loss: Views of parents and teachers.  

Beckrow B, Nerbonne M (2002) Preparation in Educational Audiology: A Survey of Academic Programs in Audiology, Journal of Educational Audiology 10. 

Bevilacqua M, Novaes B, & Morata T. (2008). Audiology in Brazil. International journal of audiology, 47(2), 45-50.

Blake S (2006) Book Review: Audiology in Education, 1997, by Wendy McCrakcen and Siobhan Laoide-Kemp. In Deafness & Education International. Wiley. 

Blood I, Cohen L, Bloog G (2007) Job Burnout in Educational Audiologists: The Value of Work Experience. Journal of Educational Audiology. Vol. 14. 

British Academy of Audiology [accessed Oct 2020]

British Association of Educational Audiologists (date unknown) [accessed Oct 2020]

British Society of Audiology [accessed Oct 2020]

Canadian Audiologist (date unknown) [accessed Oct 2020]

Cole E and Flexer C (2015) Children with Hearing Loss: Developing Listening and Talking, Birth to Six (Third Edition).Plural Publishing.

Cox A (2017) Ida Tools Presented in China and USA. [accessed Oct 2020]

DeConde Johnson C, Seaton J (2019) Educational Audiology Handbook 3rd edition. Plural Publishing.     

DeConde Johnson C, Seaton J (2011) Educational Audiology Handbook 2nd edition. Cengage Publishing.    

De Condé Johnson C, Benson PV, Seaton JB (1997) The Educational Audiology Handbook. London: Singular Publishing, 1997.

DeConde Johnson C, Cannon L, Oyler A, Seaton J, Smiley D, Spangler C (2014) Shift Happens: Evolving Practices in School-Based Audiology. Journal of Educational Audiology vol.20.· 

Donlin, E and DeConde Johnson, C (2020)  EDUCATIONAL AUDIOLOGY | Scope of Practice for Educational Audiology [accessed Oct 2020]

Educational Audiology Association (2019) Educational Audiology Scope of Practice. [accessed Oct 2020]

Educational Audiology Association (2018) Supporting Students who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing: Shared and Suggested Roles of Educational Audiologists, Teachers of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, and Speech-Language Pathologists [accessed Oct 2020]

English K, and Vargo J (2006), How is Educational Audiology Being Taught?  Journal of Educational Audiology 13. 

English K, Freesen J, Riger J, Squires M (2012) Audiologists on the Literacy Team: A Natural Fit.  Journal of Educational Audiology vol. 18. 

English K (1991) Best Practices in Educational Audiology. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools. Vol 22, 283-206.

Goulios and Patuzzi (2008) Audiology education and practice from an international perspective. International Journal of Audiology, 47:10. 

Ida Institute (2020) Pediatric Resources

Kentish R, Benton C, Kennedy V, Munro C, Phillips J, Rogers C, Rosenberg J, Salvage S. (2015) Tinnitus in Children, Practice Guidance. [accessed Aug 2016]

King A (2010) National Protocol for Paediatric Amplification in Australia. International Journal of Audiology, 49:1.

Leonardo Project (date unknown) Federation of  Associations of Teachers of the Deaf [accessed Oct 2020]

Madell J, Flexer C  (2013) Pediatric Audiology. Thieme. 

Marlatt (2014) Letter to the Editor:The Evolution of the Education of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children into Speech-Language Pathology, Educational Audiology and Special Education. American Annals of the Deaf. 158:5. 

Mayer C, Watson L, Archbold S, Ng Z & Mulla I (2016) Reading and Writing Skills of Deaf Pupils with Cochlear Implants, Deafness & Education International, 18:2, 71-86,

McCarthy M, Leigh G, Arthur-Kelly M (2020) Practitioners’ Self-Assessment of Family-Centered Practice in Telepractice Versus In-Person Early Intervention, The Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education. Enaa028

McCracken W, Laiode-Kemp S (1997) Audiology in Education.  Whurr Publishers.

McCreery R, Walker E (2007) Pediatric Amplification: Enhancing Auditory Access . Plural Publishing.

Miles S and McCracken W (2008) Educational Audiology in Developing Countries In McPherson B and Brouillete R, eds. Audiology in Developing Countries. Nova Publishers.

Mulla, Imran & Ng, Zheng Yen & Harbor, Diana & Archbold, Sue. (2015). Young Peoples' Use of Wireless Technologies with Bone Conduction Hearing Implants. Poster. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.29250.07362.'_Use_of_Wireless_Technologies_with_Bone_Conduction_Hearing_Implants

Mulla I & Mccracken W. (2014). Frequency Modulation for Preschoolers with Hearing Loss. Seminars in Hearing. 35. 206-216. DOI: 10.1055/s-0034-1383505.

Mulla I, Harrigan S, Gregory S, & Archbold S (2013) Children with complex needs and cochlear implants: The parent's perspective, Cochlear Implants International, 14:sup3, S38-S41,                    

Nolan M, Tucker I. Educational Audiology. London: Croom Helm, 1984.

Northern J, Downs M (2013) Hearing in Children.  Plural Publishing. 

 ‘Paediatric and Educational Audiology’ (date unknown) [accessed Oct 2020]

Perepa L (2018) Audiology and speech language pathology programmes in Indai: an overview of education and career opportunities. ENT & Audiology News. Jan edition.

Registration Council for Clinical Physiologists (RCCP) [accessed Oct 2020]

Richburg C, Smiley D (2011)  School-based Audiology.  Plural Publishing. 

Richburg C, Smiley D (2009) The ‘State’ of Educational Audiology Revisited. Journal of Educational Audiology. Vol 15. 

Rosenberg J, Brough H, Lazenby A (2020) Interprofessional Education, Clinicians and Educators Together.  BSA Conference poster presentation. 

Rosenberg J, Gamon C, Groves G (2020) Linking up Listening Life. BATOD Conference poster presentation. 

Rosenberg J, Boddy C, Leeson G (2020) Linking up Listening Life : Improving Healthcare in the 21st Century. BCIG Conference poster presentation. ·       -

Rosenberg J and Bull L (2020) Who’s Minding the Gap? ENT and  Audiology News, March edition.

Rosenberg J and Bull L (2020) What’s New in Educational Audiology.  BATOD magazine. January edition. 

Rosenberg J, North J, Webster J (2019) Linking Up Listening Life: The Value of Educational Audiologists: HOSS NatSIP Conference, London.

Rosenberg J and Steenkamp L (2019) Professional Registration for Educational Audiologists Now Open. BATOD Magazine. Sept edition. 

Rosenberg J (2019) Linking Up Listening Life a holistic approach across disciplines. Presentation at Deaf Children Now Conference Manchester.   

Rosenberg J and Steenkamp L (2019) Historical first - professional registration for Educational Audiologists British Academy of Audiology Magazine. Winter 2019 Edition, Issue 49.  

Rosenberg J (2019) Educational Audiology – Value and Roles. British Society of Audiology BSA Grow online module.

Rosenberg J and  Steenkamp L (2019) Educational Audiology Professional Registry Now Open. Audacity, BSA Magazine. January edition. 

Rosenberg J (2018) Opinion: Historical first - professional registration in Educational Audiology.  Global Journal of Otolaryngology. Volume 17 Issue 2 - August 2018.

Rosenberg J and Steenkamp L (2018) Historical first - professional registration for Educational Audiologists British Academy of Audiology conference poster presentation. ·  

Rosenberg J (2018) Educational Audiology – Empowering Families Using Technology Hearing Across the Lifespan Conference, Lake Como, IT.  

Rosenberg J (2017) Educational Audiology: adding value, bridging gaps. ENT and Audiology News. 25:4. 

Rosenberg J (2017) Innovations in Bridging the Gap: Exploring training needs and outcomes in Educational and Clinical Audiology and Early Years Intervention. BATOD Conference Presentation. As cited in Lamb B (2017) The Future of the Sector. Department of Education. 

Rosenberg J, Turner R, Underwood A, Whyte S (2016) MESH Guides, Translational Research in Deaf Education Practice.  Int J Tech Inc Ed, 5:2.

Rosenberg J, Turner R, Underwood A, Whyte S (2016) ’Acoustics, Listening and Learning MESHGuide: Translational research for improving signal to noise ratio.  Poster presentation at 13th British Academy of Audiology, Glasgow, Nov 2016. 

Rosenberg J (2016) Adding Value:  Becoming an Educational Audiologist British Association of Teachers of the Deaf Magazine, May Issue. 

Rosenberg J, Webster G, Blake S, Keen P, Keen S (2015) Exploring Accreditation and Registration. BAEA AGM presentation. 

Rosenberg J (2015) Research in Deaf Education.  BATOD Magazine.

Rosenberg J, Webster G (2014) The Role of the Educational Audiologist British Academy of Audiology Conference Presentation. 

Rutherford C (2017) Audiology Training in South Africa, ENT & Audiology News. May edition. [accessed Oct 2020]

Seaton J, Deconde Johnson C (2010) Educational Policy Influences on Educational Audiology: A Review of the Past Decade. Journal of Educational Audiology vol 16. 

Simkiss (2013) Education of Children with Hearing Impairment. Paediatrics and Child Health 23:10. 

South African Association of Audiologists (date unknown) [accessed Oct 2020]

Success for kids with Hearing Loss (established 2011) 

Underwood, A.; Turner, R., Whyte, S., and Rosenberg, J. (2015) Acoustic Accessibility MESHGuide BATOD Foundation: 2nd edn.

[accessed 15 Mar 2018] Referenced in: Capel S, Leask M, Younie S, Eds. (2016) Learning to Teach in the Secondary School: A companion to school experience (Learning to Teach Subjects in the Secondary School Series.  Routledge.

Webster G and Keen P (2018) An Educational Audiologist - Adding Value to services for deaf children, BAEA’s view. [accessed Nov 2020]

Yoshinaga-Itano C (2012) Audiology in Developing Countries, International Journal of Audiology, 51:8, 646, DOI: 10.3109/14992027.2012.688145