editor's comments

Editor's Comments

Alison Hardy from Nottingham Trent University has brought together a world wide network of Design and Technology educators to produce this Guide which supports benchmarking of practices between countries. The Guide challenges the reader to consider the role of the subject in the school curriculum for different age groups and the impact of the subject on children’s understanding of the world they interact with. In addition, the reader might like to consider the potential impact of the learning children gain from this subject on the economic well being and development of every country. 

Editor's comments

Editor's comments

The pedagogical models outlined in this guide provide a range of examples of how videos can be used to promote active and deep learning in different subjects and to achieve different educational goals. The Guide also highlights the importance of professional agency, or professional autonomy in the making of pedagogical decisions.

Editor's comments

text forthcoming during 2021

Editor's comments

If a school focuses on the learning of the individual at the centre of all activities then high quality outcomes should follow. This philosophy of the individual being at the core of practice will also show through the schools mission statement. This MESHGuide shows a model of education which is unified - staff, students and the community are all working together for the same goals. Learning Schools are flexible and outward facing, working with community to make education relevant.

Editor's comments

This guide provides a model for the elimination of illiteracy where there is national will. 

Editor's comments

Formative feedback is one of the basic tools in a teacher’s toolkit - a positive word from a teacher, praising work done and constructively showing how a child can improve their work, may be remembered for a lifetime. Negative unconstructive feedback can damage self belief and motivation in some learners.

Editor's comments

Teachers can expect to have dyslexic students in their classes from time to time. We hope this guide will prepare teachers to work with these students to help them achieve highly. 

Editor's Comments - UNDER DEVELOPMENT


Editor's Comments - UNDER DEVELOPMENT

Under development


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