Pedagogy in Further Education and Vocational Teacher Education

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Modelling practice and ‘golden moments’

Studies including Cochran-Smith (2003), Crawley (2014), Korthagen et al. (2005), Kane (2007), Kosnik (2007), Koster et al. (2005), Lunenberg (2002), Lunenberg et al. (2007), Smith (2005) and Swennen et al., (2007) find that teacher educators often operate as role models. This has also been described as a ‘model pedagogue’ (Ben-Peretz et al, 2010; Crowe and Berry, 2007).

Lunenberg et al. (2007) use the term 'golden moments' to describe incidents within this role modelling which can help to demonstrate just what can be achieved from excellent teaching. The importance for teacher educators to ensure those moments are captured and made available to trainees is emphasised. Dawson and Bondy (2003), Korthagen et al. (2006), Loughran (2007), Mayes (2009), Muller (2003) and Olsen et. al. (2021), Willemse et al. (2008) argue that this modelling through golden moments helps teachers to reflect more deeply on their own teaching and learn from that reflection. This can help to ‘demonstrate alternative perspectives and approaches to practice’, and help to make ‘pedagogic reasoning’ explicit (Korthagen et al., 2006: 1026). Research from Freedman et al. (2005) finds evidence that this sharing and reflecting on moments to support reflection is not always productive, and that it also does not necessarily always lead to action from the teachers which will enhance or transform their practice. Reale (2009) emphasises that modelling through golden moments is a two-way process where TEds and trainees all learn from each other and which ‘often gives us a vivid ‘window’ into their thinking as trainee teachers (ibid: 37).
