Understanding Curriculum

Dr. Abdul Jabbar Bhatti and Professor Dr. N. B. Jumani | View as single page | Feedback/Impact

Social Reconstructionist Curriculum

Social Reconstructionists are dissatisfied with the social, political and economic order of society and take curriculum as vehicle for reconstruction of the society. They advocate a curriculum which gives vision of an ideal society and ensures “reconstruction” of present society on the basis of that vision. The Reconstructionists suggest that curriculum should confront the learners with issues which mankind face and this curriculum should develop in learners the ability of critically analysing these issues and finding out the possible solutions. Consequently, the learners will develop deep understanding of the society and they will strive for better social order. Social adaptation and social reconstruction approaches are very important here. The social adaptation approach refers to awareness of students about the social problems and giving the students solutions of these problems. On the other hand, social reconstruction refers to developing in students critical awareness of social problems and seeking changes in basic structure of society to improve the real world. The Social Reconstructionists may be grouped into following categories: 

1. Freire’s social reconstructionism (Revolution) 

2. Neo-Marxists (Critical inquiry)

3. Futurolgists

For further reading please see: Schiro, M. S. (2013). Curriculum Theory Conflicting Visions and Enduring Concerns (2nd ed). SAGE Publications, Inc (pp.151-198).