Assessing learning outcomes

International assessments related to LTLT include the International Civic and Citizenship Education Study (IEA, 2014) and the report Toward Universal Learning: Recommendations from the Learning Metrics Task Force (UIS, 2013) which identifies LTLT competencies among those required for the 21st Century.


The pedagogy of LTLT should be based on the two processes of ‘discovery of others’ and ‘experience of shared purposes’. Teaching methods would require approaches for fostering empathy and tolerance and activities that promote teamwork, leadership and communication outcomes (UNESCO Bangkok , 2014).

Curriculum landscape

Learning to Live Together (LTLT) represents a central theme threaded through the international dimensions of the curricula across the globe (UNESCO, 2014). Within the region communication and social competencies appear in the curricula of 88 countries, of which 71 reflect national curriculum (UNESCO, 2014).

Policy landscape

Several key policy documents shape the thoughts and actions of those promoting the concept of Learning to Live Together within the Asia Pacific Region. These document include

Environment crises

While the policy makers and governments of the region may have some capacity to reduce economic challenges within the region, some things are out of their control. In 2011, environmental disasters caused the Asia Pacific region to suffer 80 percent of global economic losses for that year.

Economic challenges

While there are many emerging markets in the region, the same are contains 800 million people living below the poverty line. Around 563 million residents of the region are considered under-nourished. The region also contains more than 1 billion who are considered to be working in vulnerable employment.

Cultural and linguistic diversity

The region enjoys a rich level of linguist diversity with more than 3,600 languages comprising almost 51 percent of languages worldwide. The speakers of these languages include more than half of the world's population. This population includes 3.7 billion nationals, 31.5 million international migrants and 8.4 million persons of concern, i.e. stateless persons, Internally Displaced Person (IDPs) refugee and IDP returnees.

Learning to live together

Learning to live together, involves among other things students developing an understanding of others as they work together to achieve common goals (Delors, 1996) ,while completing projects involving activities for promoting the cognitive, moral and cultural dimensions of learning (Tawil & Cougoureux, 2014). These activities should include opportunities for discovering others and experiencing shared purposes (UNESCO Bangkok , 2014).


Delors, J. (1996). Learning: The Treasure Within. Paris: UNESCO.

IEA. (2014). International Civic and Citizenship Education Study 2016. Retrieved from The International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA):


UNESCO (2014) identifies several factors contributing to the prioritizing of Learning to Live within the Asia Pacific Region.


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