

This MESHGuide provides examples from countries around the world- the Global South and the Global North. There are significant differences between countries. Not all countries include the subject in the primary curriculum. In some countries, in secondary education, Design and Technology is a vocational subject in others it is part of general education. Some countries focus on materials, others take a systems approach e.g. learners will look at energy systems or water systems.


The case studies providing data for the research as listed in column 5 in the Guide are drawn from a range of subjects, age groups and countries. The case studies serve to illustrate the high level of transferability of the model to classroom teaching beyond the case study contexts. Teachers will recognise the universal applicability of the ideas. 


The resulting artefacts of the project are:

-  a hands-on pedagogical model based on contemporary learning scientific insights, practical experience and internal case based evidence


text forthcoming during 2021


We consider this knowledge has significant transferability. The focus is on placing learning at the centre of schooling and this emphasis on the things that matter in schools to advance learning will be applicable worldwide. 


The ideas here were adapted from the successful Cuban drive to eliminate illiteracy and will need adaption for each context.


Constructive feedback/formative assessment  from a teacher provides the stepping stones for learners, giving them confidence they are progressing. The principles for this,  we suggest, apply across cultures, settings, ages and phases.


The evidence about effective interventions here does not seem culturally specific. Teachers are advised to try different pedagogical interventions to find what suits individual students.


The advice in much of this guide is transferable to other contexts in which English is the main language but is being learned as an additional language; with the caveat that curriculum references to English curriculum guidance may not be relevant.  The guide is also relevant to some extent to contexts where teachers are working with children learning any new language that is the language of the host nation; particularly the sections that deal broadly with new language acquisition and new literacy development.

Transferability - UNDER DEVELOPMENT


Transferability - UNDER DEVELOPMENT

Under development


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