Autism and Deafness ArticlesBeals, K. (2004) Early Intervention in Deafness and Autism: One Family’s Experiences, Reflections and Recommendations. Infants and Young Children 17 (4) 284 – 296. Borders, C. M. Bock, S.,J. & Probst K.M. (2016) A Review of Educational Practices for Deaf/Hard of Hearing Students with Comorbid Autism Deafness and Education International 18(4) 189 – 205. McCay,V. & Rhodes, A (2009) Deafness and Autistic Spectrum Disorders. American Annals of the Deaf 154, No1, 2009. Malandraki, G.A. & Okalidou, A (2007) The Application of PECS in a Deaf Child With Autism: A Case Study Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities 22(1) 23 – 32. Myck-Wayne, J., Robinson, S. & Henson, E. (2011) Serving and Supporting Young Children with a Dual Diagnosis of Hearing Loss and Autism: The Stories of Four Families American Annals of the Deaf 156(4) 379 – 390. Peterson, C.C. (2002) Drawing Insight from Pictures: The Development of Concepts of False Drawing and False Belief in Children with Deafness, Normal Hearing and Autism. Child Development 73(5) 1442 – 1459. Peterson, C.C. & Siegal, M (1999) Representing Inner Worlds: Theory of Mind in Autistic Deaf and Normal Hearing Children. Psychological Society 10(2) 126 – 129. Peterson, C.C., Wellman, H. & Liu, D. (2005) Steps in Theory of Mind Development for Children with Deafness and Autism. Child Development 76(2) 502 – 517. Peterson, C.C., Wellman, H & Slaughter, V (2012) The Mind Behind the Message: Advancing Theory-of-Mind Scales for Typically Developing Children, and Those With Deafness, Autism, or Asperger Syndrome. Child Development 83(2) 469 – 485. Rosenhall, U., Nordin, V., Sandstrom, M., Ahlsén, G & Gillberg C. (1999) Autism and Hearing Loss. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 29(5) 349 – 57. Szymanski, C.A., Brice, P.J., Lam, K.A. & Hotto, S.A. (2012) Deaf Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 42:2027 – 2037. Vernon, M. & Rhodes, A. (2009) Deafness and Autistic Spectrum Disorders. American Annals of the Deaf. 154(1) 5 – 14. Wiley, S., Gustafson, S & Rozniak, J (2013) Needs of Parents of Children Who Are Deaf/Hard of Hearing With Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education 19(1) 40 - 49 Wright, B., Phillips, H., Le Couteur A., Sweetman J., Hodkinson R., Ralph-Lewis A et al (2020) Modifying and validating the social responsiveness scale, Edition 2, for use with deaf children and young people. PLoS ONE 15 (12): e0243162 https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0243162 Worsley, J. A., Matson, J.L. & Kowlowski, A.M. (2011) The effects of hearing impairment on symptoms of Autism in toddlers. Developmental Neurorehabilitation. 14 (3): 171 – 176.Austen S. (2015) Deafness and autistic spectrum disorder Network Autism. Young, A., Ferguson-Coleman, E., Wright, B & Le Couter, A (2019) Parental Conceptualizations of Autism and Deafness in British Deaf Children. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 2019, 280 – 288. |