Other professionalsNational Deaf CAMHS National Deaf CAMHS is a highly specialised mental health service for deaf children and young people with mental health issues launched in April 2009. The service accepts referrals for assessment of Autism in deaf children and also hearing children of deaf parents. There are now 4 hubs plus 6 outreach services covering England in Leeds, York, London, Taunton, Plymouth, Kent. There is a six-bed inpatient provision in London. The Leeds National Deaf Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (NDCAMHS) works with children and young people aged 0-18 who have a severe to profound hearing loss, have deaf parents or have BSL (British Sign Language) as a first language and who also experience emotional and/or behavioural issues consistent with a Children’s Global Assessment Scale [CGAS] rating of 50 or less. They work to improve the mental health of these children and young people through supporting them and their families. Watch a video which features parents describing their experiences of their autistic deaf children. Signhealth Signhealth is a deaf health charity with special interest in mental health. |