The Professional’s PerspectiveA Teacher of the Deaf describes how a deaf girl she works with was able to accelerate her literacy learning when she and two teaching assistants learned to cue for her. An article by Charlotte Lynch, a ToD, explains how one implanted little girl has benefited from CS. Cued Speech at Manchester schools -– Tina Kirwin and Alison Patton (BATOD Magazine 2008) write about a workshop describing how the Manchester Service uses cued speech with the children that they work with. Cued Speech and BSL at ERADE Lee Fullwood and Cate Calder describe the use of Cued Speech and BSL at ERADE (Exeter Royal Academy for Deaf Education) (BATOD May Magazine 2014) Listen and watch about Cued Speech A mainstream primary school teacher talks about successfully using cueing with her whole class to support their phonics learning. Film of the mum of a deaf child and the classroom assistant that works with her explain how recently learning to cue has helped them to support that child’s speech production, give her access to English vocabulary and enabled reading skills to develop. A 5 year old deaf boy demonstrating his reading skills with cueing (after only 7 months exposure!) while his TA describes how she uses it to give him access to English and literacy lessons at school. Wendy (a year on from the previous film) describes a mainstream phonic programme that she is able to give Alfie full access to through cueing. The manager of the peripatetic Teacher of the Deaf Service in Devon explains how his team are trained in Cued Speech to support literacy skills for deaf children in mainstream schools and how they have developed the role of Deaf Inclusion Workers in the county to provide bilingual access through signing and cueing for deaf children. A Deaf Inclusion Worker working with an 11 year old in a mainstream school using both BSL and CS. After only one year the boy has gone from being pre-literate to having a reading age of 5.5yrs. The same Deaf Inclusion Worker explains how she used cueing to give three BSL using deaf boys access English; and in particular technical maths vocabulary. A teacher explains how she learned to cue and found ways to use it in her work with mainstreamed deaf children. Two professional cuers from France talk about their work with the French version of Cued Speech.