Assistive Listening Devices (ALDs) - radio aids and proprietary remote microphone systems - optimising listening opportunities

Revised version: Contributions by members of the ALTWG (Stuart Whyte, Brian Copsey, James Mander) including Educational Audiologists from the professional associations; British Association of Educational Audiologists (BAEA) (Claire Bateson, Anne Bailey) and BATOD (Teresa Quail). | View as single page | Feedback/Impact


Here are some suggestions for when things go wrong.

  1. Turn it off and on again.
  2. Check the batteries in system, adaptors and hearing device.
  3. Check the receiver is connected to the transmitter?
  4. Is there another transmitter nearby which could cause interference?
  5. Is there anything blocking the way between the transmitter and the receiver?
  6. Are the receiver and the transmitter within the transmission range?
  7. Change the shoe/connecter.
  8. Check transmitter is not on mute.
  9. Check the cable and connections.  Are they in good order?  Are they the right ones for your device?
  10. See the manufacturer's user guide.