Early Childhood Education/Early Years |
How to use this guideIf you are new to Early Years Education ideas then skimming the headings in the Guide will give you an overview of existing practices (http://meshguides.org/guides/node/1343). Just dip into those relevant to you. If you are working with children 0-7 years over a long period then you should find plenty of ideas in the guide to stimulate their development. This guide is designed with several readers in mind.
The Guide has the following structure: Column 1 references evidence and documents underpinning the Guide. Column 2 gives background Information about the areas of development which are considered important in early childhood education. Most activities impact on a numbers of areas of development with all activities providing the opportunity to develop language. Effective teaching is planned with clear purposes in mind (aims) which are included in the headings in this Column 2. Column 3 lists activities which contribute in different ways to child development. Sections 3.2 and 3.3 show typical plans for an hour’s session. In any activity it is usually possible to cover several ‘aims’ e.g. in many games, you may be developing language, listening and social skills along with gross or fine motor skills (coordination and muscle development). If you are working with children over time, we recommend that you do what experienced teachers do, and plan and write down what you want to achieve on a daily or weekly basis to make a balanced ‘curriculum’ or set of experiences in order to develop the whole child. For example, in a one hour session for a group of children who come together once a week, you might structure every session to provide a varied programme which reinforces their learning. A sequence of activities might be: ⁃ have a welcome and goodbye song with actions which are the same every week, introducing a notion of fun and success and teaching social skills of greeting and saying goodbye. ⁃ choose lively activities/songs to develop physical coordination, understanding of how things are done in the community eg personal hygiene and behaviour towards others; counting, sharing, language and concepts e.g. forwards/backwards, side to side, up/down, or to develop balance and so on ⁃ intersperse lively activities with quieter activities eg to develop listening skills, counting skills, physical control. ⁃ consistently use the same actions or set of words to develop self control eg stop/listen what can we hear? ⁃ introduce a new rhyme/song every few weeks with plenty of repetition of songs and rhymes covered earlier for fun as well as to extend the child’s memory and reinforce skill development. Column 4 Lists resources of different types including the Family and Trainers’ Summaries as above with translations as appropriate, Column 5 Provides case studies giving examples of practices in different settings. |